Sample some of our learning materials

Welcome to the Business Development Academy's demo area.  Here you'll find examples of our many E-learning modules, videos, podcasts, webinar recordings and digests.  The Business Development Academy covers the latest best-practice resources to help time-poor professionals in networking, winning business, pitching and developing profitable client relationships.  You can also sign up at the bottom of the page to trial our Mastering Networking learning programme.

Delivering the final messages in a pitch presentation (E-Learning Module)

If you are in a pitch situation, your closing remarks can help decide whether your firm wins or loses. They are the last thing you will say before the client makes up their mind or before you enter question and answer mode. The impression you make here tends to stick in the mind of the panel.

In this module we will explain how to ensure you make that impression a positive one.

How to bring the wider value of your firm to your clients (Webinar)

John Timperley describes how to bring value to your clients through introductions and identifying key ‘triggers’. Whilst discussing the hurdle that you may face, and how to overcome them.

Overcoming Fee Resistance (Podcast)

How do you handle ‘push-back’ on fees by clients in a professional way? The challenge is to maintain your integrity, and to demonstrate confidence that your fee represents value for money. Here we share some tips and approaches that are working for others.

Managing first meetings with a potential client (Video)

First meetings are crucial when it comes to building relationships with potential clients. Get them right, and you can start to build the rapport and trust needed. Get them wrong, and it’s likely you won’t hear from your contact again. So how do you handle the first meeting with a potential client?

8 Essentials for working the room effectively at networking events (Winning Business Digest)

Working the room can be relatively easy – if you create the right conditions for success.

To trial our ‘Mastering Networking’ learning programme, click here!

After registering, look out for an email from our technology partner, Reach360!

For a comprehensive list of our learning materials, click here!